Create Your Own Style Initial Letter Jewelry

Create Your Own Style Initial Letter Jewelry

Initial Jewelry gives every ensemble a personal touch. 

This personalized type of jewelry adds a source of comfort, courage, expression and everything in between. It's so much more than creating an individual piece, it's art; an expression that goes beyond engraving and tells your personal story. We'll tell you how to personalize and style your original jewelry.


How do you style your initial jewelry? Start by choosing the first letter of your first, middle or last name, depending on what speaks best for you and stands out! When you wear this type of personalized jewelry add your handwriting, flaunt your letter and be yourself!


If you want a more creative approach to personalizing your original jewelry, personalize a loved one's initial - whether it's a family member, your partner, or a best friend wearing the initial of a loved one, you have a unique one and sentimental piece that you can take with you every day and you will always have a story to tell!


Stacking has never felt so effortless. Whether it's a first ring or a necklace, these pieces are just right for stacking. Different rings layered over the hand and stacked with the finger can spell a meaningful word for you or overlay the first necklaces of the initials of you and a loved one or even spell a word. Letter chains are great centerpieces for a very trendy pile. Use your original necklace as the center of your pile and take it from there!


Master the art of stacking, because at Jechic we have a large selection of letter trinkets that are key pieces for your collection. The birthstone letter necklace is a lovely and delicate piece that goes well with an everyday outfit and looks great as part of a layered stack of necklaces. Custom initial letter earrings can help you formulate a meaningful word or even wear your initial or a loved one alone.

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